Woodpecker CI
Recent Changes
Update woodpecker to 3.1.0
Add allow list for approvals [#4768]
Unsanitize user and org names in DB [#4762]
Store/delete repos after forge communication [#4827]
Fix k8s secret schema [#4819]
Move section description to the top [#4773]
Docs: Add Radicle forge addon [#4833]
fix(deps): update docs npm deps non-major [#4823]
chore(deps): update dependency isomorphic-dompurify to v2.21.0 [#4805]
chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v22.13.0 [#4799]
Add bluesky post plugin [#4549]
Various docs improvements [#4772]
fix(deps): update docs npm deps non-major [#4774]
Add git basic changelog [#4755]
Optimize repository list loading to return also latest pipeline info [#4814]
Add Git Ref To Build Status in BitbucketDatacenter [#4724]
fix(deps): update golang-packages [#4834]
fix(deps): update web npm deps non-major [#4831]
fix(deps): update dependency simple-icons to v14.6.0 [#4830]
fix(deps): update golang-packages [#4829]
fix(deps): update web npm deps non-major to v4.0.5 [#4828]
chore(deps): update docker.io/woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx docker tag to v5.2.1 [#4822]
fix(deps): update module github.com/google/go-github/v68 to v69 [#4826]
fix(deps): update web npm deps non-major [#4825]
fix(deps): update golang-packages [#4812]
chore(deps): update dependency vitest to v3.0.5 [security] [#4810]
chore(deps): lock file maintenance [#4808]
chore(deps): update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to v4.1.1 [#4806]
fix(deps): update module gitlab.com/gitlab-org/api/client-go to v0.121.0 [#4804]
fix(deps): update dependency simple-icons to v14.5.0 [#4803]
fix(deps): update web npm deps non-major to v4.0.3 [#4802]
fix(deps): update web npm deps non-major [#4798]
fix(deps): update module github.com/getkin/kin-openapi to v0.129.0 [#4790]
chore(deps): lock file maintenance [#4783]
chore(deps): update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to v4.1.0 [#4780]
fix(deps): update module github.com/bmatcuk/doublestar/v4 to v4.8.1 [#4781]
chore(deps): update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to v4 [#4779]
fix(deps): update web npm deps non-major [#4777]
chore(deps): update pre-commit hook igorshubovych/markdownlint-cli to v0.44.0 [#4776]
fix(deps): update module google.golang.org/protobuf to v1.36.4 [#4775]
fix(deps): update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.70.0 [#4770]
chore(deps): update docker.io/woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx docker tag to v5.2.0 [#4767]
chore(deps): update docker.io/mysql docker tag to v9.2.0 [#4766]
fix(deps): update module github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin to v1.6.3 [#4765]
chore(deps): update docker.io/woodpeckerci/plugin-ready-release-go docker tag to v3.1.3 [#4764]
fix(deps): update docker to v27.5.1+incompatible [#4761]
chore(deps): update dependency vite to v6.0.9 [security] [#4757]
Woodpecker is a simple CI engine with great extensibility. It runs your pipelines inside Docker containers, so if you are already using them in your daily workflow, you'll love Woodpecker for sure.
OpenSource and free - Woodpecker is and always will be totally free. As Woodpecker's source code is open-source you can contribute to help evolving the project.
Based on docker containers - Woodpecker uses docker containers to execute pipeline steps. If you need more than a normal docker image, you can create plugins to extend the pipeline features. How do plugins work?
Multi pipelines - Woodpecker allows you to easily create multiple pipelines for your project. They can even depend on each other. Check out the docs
Install Woodpecker CI in a few minutes on your server with Cloudron. To install Cloudron first, follow our setup steps.