
Version: 2.4.8
Required minimum memory: 512MB
Last updated 3 Apr 2024

Recent Changes

  • Update Wallabag to 2.6.9

  • Full changelog

  • Fix same domain pagination by @yguedidi in https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/pull/7266

  • Upgrade PHP dependencies by @yguedidi in https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/pull/7272

  • Use a proper "how to" for elCurator by @j0k3r in https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/pull/7323


Wallabag is a read-it-later application: it saves a web page by keeping content only. Elements like navigation or ads are removed.


Comfortable reading

Wallabag extracts the article's content (and only its content!) and displays it in a comfortable view. Moreover, wallabag is responsive: you can read your articles on your smartphone or your tablet.

Migrate from other services

If you already have an account on Pocket©, Readability©, Instapaper© or even wallabag, you can import your data into wallabag.

Retrieve your articles easily thanks to filters

Wallabag provides a powerful tool to filter your saved articles. It's so easy to look for them.

Keep your data

All your data belongs to you. You can download all your articles in many formats: PDF, ePUB, .mobi, JSON, CSV, txt or HTML.


Wallabag comes with addons for Firefox and Chrome. Mobile apps are available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

Install Wallabag in a few minutes on your server with Cloudron. To install Cloudron first, follow our setup steps.
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