Prometheus Alertmanager

Version: 0.27.0
Required minimum memory: 256MB
Last updated 29 Feb 2024

Recent Changes

  • Update alertmanager to 0.27.0

  • Full changelog

  • [CHANGE] Discord Integration: Enforce max length in message. #3597

  • [CHANGE] API: Removal of all api/v1/ endpoints. These endpoints now log and return a deprecation message and respond with a status code of 410. #2970

  • [FEATURE] UTF-8 Support: Introduction of support for any UTF-8 character as part of label names and matchers. Please read more below. #3453, #3483, #3567, #3570

  • [FEATURE] Metrics: Introduced the experimental feature flag --enable-feature=receiver-name-in-metrics to include the receiver name in the following metrics: #3045

  • [FEATURE] Metrics: Introduced a new gauge named alertmanagerinhibitionrules that counts the number of configured inhibition rules. #3681

  • [FEATURE] Metrics: Introduced a new counter named alertmanageralertssupressed_total that tracks muted alerts, it contains a reason label to indicate the source of the mute. #3565


The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver integration such as email, PagerDuty, or OpsGenie. It also takes care of silencing and inhibition of alerts.


  • Grouping categorizes alerts of similar nature into a single notification.
  • Inhibition is a concept of suppressing notifications for certain alerts if certain other alerts are already firing.
  • Silences are a straightforward way to simply mute alerts for a given time.
  • Alertmanager supports configuration to create a cluster for high availability.

Install Prometheus Alertmanager in a few minutes on your server with Cloudron. To install Cloudron first, follow our setup steps.
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