
Version: 3.13.11
Required minimum memory: 2048MB
Last updated 19 Apr 2024

Recent Changes

  • Update minio to 2024-04-18T19-09-19Z

  • Changelog

  • fix: add fallbackDisks for disk healing by @harshavardhana in #19425

  • fix: increase the tiering part size to 128MiB by @harshavardhana in #19424

  • heal: Add more per disk healing result in the audit by @vadmeste in #19427

  • batch-repl: Do not allow both source/target to be remote by @vadmeste in #19434

  • Allow setting readOnlyRootFilesystem in securityContext by @AlexanderThaller in #19437

  • Add a warning when the total size of an object versions exceeds 1 TiB by @vadmeste in #19435

  • make if-none-match PUT/POST RFC compliant by @harshavardhana in #19448

  • fix: unknow contentType for ArchiveFileHandler by @jiuker in #19451


Minio is a distributed object storage server built for cloud applications and devops.


Amazon S3 Compatible

Minio implements Amazon S3 v4 APIs. Minio also includes client SDKs and a console utility.

Minimalist Design

Minio is deeply influenced by minimalism. We believe that only simple things scale.

Apache License 2.0

Minio is free software, released under Apache license v2.0. Minio has an active developer and user community.

Lambda Functions

Minio triggers Lambda functions through event notification service. In addition Minio also supports simple queueing service for AMQP, Elasticsearch, Redis, NATS and Postgres targets.

Erasure Code & Bitrot Protection

Minio protects data against hardware failures and silent data corruption using erasure code and checksums. You may lose half the number of drives and still recover from it.

Written in Go

Go is an emerging language of choice for modern cloud infrastructure projects. Go language enables Minio to be highly concurrent and lightweight.

Install Minio in a few minutes on your server with Cloudron. To install Cloudron first, follow our setup steps.
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