
Version: 1.23.0
Required minimum memory: 256MB
Last updated 12 Apr 2024

Recent Changes

  • Update Grafana to 10.4.2

  • Changelog

  • Angular deprecation: Prefer local "angularDetected" value to the remote one. #85631, @xnyo

  • AuthProxy: Fix missing session for ldap auth proxy users. #85237, @Jguer

  • Alerting: Fix receiver inheritance when provisioning a notification policy. #85192, @julienduchesne

  • CloudMonitoring: Only run query if filters are complete. #85016, @aangelisc


Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored.


Create, explore, and share dashboards with your team and foster a data driven culture:

  • Visualize: Fast and flexible client side graphs with a multitude of options. Panel plugins for many different way to visualize metrics and logs.

  • Dynamic Dashboards: Create dynamic & reusable dashboards with template variables that appear as dropdowns at the top of the dashboard.

  • Explore Metrics: Explore your data through ad-hoc queries and dynamic drilldown. Split view and compare different time ranges, queries and data sources side by side.

  • Explore Logs: Experience the magic of switching from metrics to logs with preserved label filters. Quickly search through all your logs or streaming them live.

  • Alerting: Visually define alert rules for your most important metrics. Grafana will continuously evaluate and send notifications to systems like Slack, PagerDuty, VictorOps, OpsGenie.

  • Mixed Data Sources: Mix different data sources in the same graph! You can specify a data source on a per-query basis. This works for even custom datasources.

Install Grafana in a few minutes on your server with Cloudron. To install Cloudron first, follow our setup steps.
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